Commercial Locksmith

Whether you run a small business or are managing a large corporation, at some point you are going to need the services of a commercial locksmith. You can count on Channel Lock & Security to provide fast and professional service. Our mobile locksmith service is invaluable when you need us on-site promptly to ensure your business is secure.

Lock and Key Installation

If you notice a lock is broken or you’ve lost a key to your commercial property, then your business security is compromised. Channel Lock & Security can replace broken locks to ensure your business is secure. If you’ve lost a key, we can re-key your lock and give you new keys to go with the lock. Re-keying will give you the peace of mind of knowing only the new key we give you will work in that lock. The old key that was lost is obsolete with the re-key.

When you contact Channel Lock and Security, you can be confident you are in good hands because we are certified, insured, and registered. The process of becoming a certified locksmith is rigorous and ensures our locksmiths have proper experience with security breaches. When performing work, our locksmiths must often work with sensitive security systems that can easily incur damages. But, there’s no need to worry. Our locksmiths are insured which means that if any damages occur during our work process they will be taken care of by our insurance company. When you need commercial locksmith services you can trust and depend on, call Channel Lock & Security.

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